Dear believer

Dear believer,
There are a few things that have been on my mind to share with you. I want you to take your time to read the next couple of words, which are not exactly my words but what God’s word says about you. It’s not my opinion but God’s opinion about you. You may already know them and be established in them but I’d keep reminding you of them as long as I live. Read carefully and let them sink in.


You are a citizen of heaven, you honestly can’t be worried about ‘making’ heaven. Do you know what it means to be a citizen of somewhere? As in, you’re from there!

Understand this, the requirement for ‘making’ heaven (receiving the life of Christ) is believing in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary for your sins.


You’re saved by Grace through faith, not of works. This is so you cannot boast. God never designed or envisioned that anyone should stand before him based on their own merit. You can’t, even if you tried. That kind of righteousness is what is described as a filthy rag. It’s self righteousness and it is ‘for your pocket.’ Christ who knew no sin became sin for you so that you might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

Don’t go around being ignorant of God’s righteousness and seeking to establish your own.


When a man works, he gets a reward because he earned it. Salvation is a gift, not of works.
You really can never be good enough by yourself. You will fall short in every way. God is not a wicked tyrant that sets standards he knows you can’t keep just to watch you try and stumble.

He came to earth and He bore your sins past, present and future (you weren’t even born so you technically hadn’t even started sinning) and died on the cross. He resurrected and you’re justified because of this.


To be justified means you’re declared not guilty. All charges dropped. Every good lawyer knows that once that has been done, the same charges can’t be brought forward against you, that would describe a term called double jeopardy.

Dear believer, you are not guilty. You’ve been declared righteous. You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. You’re are forgiven and redemeed. God is at peace with you.


So you’re probably wondering, where do works come in? Shall we continue in sin and say that grace may abound?

Well, at salvation, you get a new spirit and a new heart. You put off the old man with his deeds. You’re a new man in Christ Jesus.

This Spirit was the same at work when Christ died and rose and WILL quicken you from sin.


When he died, you died with him and died to sin. Sin’s curse lost it’s grip on you. You have power over sin! In fact, sin is under your feet?

When he resurrected, you resurrected with him into a new of life. Walk in newness of life!

Think about the fact that the way out of the flesh is the spirit of God in you and this can only be possible when you’re saved.
You do good works not to make heaven but because you’re from there and that’s your nature. To act otherwise, would be out of character. Stop eet, people from heaven don’t behave like that!

Good works are a fruit of salvation, not a requirement for salvation.
For the man in Christ, when you walk by the Spirit, you will not fulfil the lust of the flesh. You can by the Spirit put to death the deeds of the flesh.

You’re not bound by some rules and regulations. The regulator himself has come to live in you. Yield!
Remember, the Spirit in you is God’s guarantee, his earnest that in the fulfilment of time, he’ll come back for you.  Can God make deposit and sly you?


Let there be an outworking of your salvation as God works in you to will and to do of his good pleasure.


Confident of this, I know that he that started this good work in you will bring it to completion. No, I’m not confident in your flesh but I’m confident in the one that works in you.


Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault.

This is the Grace of our Lord Jesus and his love demonstrated towards us. Accept it! Believe it! Walk in it! Tell others about it!
Enjoy God beyond being a means to an end, find true satisfaction in Him!
Until next time,

Your favorite girl in bloom,


Let’s take a selfie!

Hey guys!

*this is where I tell you why after announcing that I was back, I went away again, but that’s story for another day*

Sometime ago, I made a commitment to start reading and I did read a couple of books which I reviewed HERE

Today, I’ll be reviewing a book by Laju Iren called Selfies with Bible Girls. Let me just start by stating that this book is a must have and a must read for all ladies and certainly for the men who love them. This is not just because it would absolutely add some “spice” to your library and makes for an excellent flat lay but because it is indeed an inspired book. A book truly inspired by the Holy Spirit.


If you know me, you know I don’t really like to read (I know I’m a law student, bite me 😂). I read when I have to or if it comes highly recommended. To be honest, I actually have never been one of those people that read everything. But this book I absolutely loved. I was glued from the moment I started till I finished and for someone like me, that counts for a lot. I’ll tell you why.



The cover design is impeccable. I particularly love the fact that it’s a hard cover book. There is no doubt it would look great on any shelf and even more beautiful for a flat lay. I also particularly loved the fact that the cover design included a list of several names from different parts of Nigeria and the world to depict you seeing yourselves in the characters of this book, hence, taking a selfie with them. I thought this was brilliant!


I really appreciate the style of writing because it was written in such a clear easy-to-understand form. For someone who doesn’t really like to read, I found it appealing that I didn’t have to read it alongside a dictionary like some writers will have you do. I believe that communication is a two way street and the style of writing makes every point made by the writer well communicated. Kudos, Laju Iren!


Every character is brought to real life and made relatable. The book talks about 22 women in the Bible whom I often thought were flawless but I got to see them all in new lights.

For example, there was a chapter on Deborah, I had always believed I could not relate to her and all the bravery she actually exuded. I never realised that being appointed the first female judge in Israel, she actually might have had panic attacks. It was a big deal so she must’ve questioned her ability to do it. I always just pictured her as this warrior, the “bravest” woman. She had never been to battle before, she wasn’t in the army but she went to war. That also couldn’t have been easy for her. But, she pulled through. She trusted God who had sent her. She was intimate with God and followed his leading. He worked through her. The babe was just a vessel. Like I am now.

I’m learning to shift the focus from myself, it really isn’t about me. It’s all about Jesus. It’s all about Him. Deborah was more obedient than she was fearless! She probably went to battle afraid but she went anyway. I learned that as long as God is giving the instruction, He has empowered you by the Holy Spirit to do it. Like Kenneth Hagin has said, if God asks you to it, it’s because he has empowered you to do it.


I also loved the chapter on Esther. The popular story is often portrayed somewhat like the Cinderella story but without the true loves first kiss and the fairy Godmother. Nope! This one was all God! So Esther finds herself in a divinely orchestrated situation or marriage, where her influence on the king might be the only thing that might save her people. I feel like certain responsibilities I have can be likened to Esther’s queenly position (divinely orchestrated) so I could stir things in the right direction. Sometimes, God puts us in positions or we find ourselves in positions where we can actually influence people’s lives.

If Esther had thought, “what if I wasn’t queen, wouldn’t whatever that wants to happen still happen?”, she wouldn’t have been able to save her people. But she didn’t do that. She took advantage of the position she was in to save a nation and now she will forever be remembered for that. Esther saved her people, what have you done with your sphere of influence to affect situations positively? How have you used your area of influence to propagate the gospel of Jesus? Do this, and you’ll literally be saving lives!

Recently, I’ve asked questions like, “why me?”, “why am I in this group?” But there’s actually something I can do. I have the solution to a problem.

I also learnt from the fact that she did not just jump. She fasted and prayed. Funny how she didn’t have the Holy Spirit living inside of her but she was discerning. How much more me, tabernacle girl, who has the Holy Spirit living in me? Waiting on the Lord through fasting and prayer I’ve come to find out, makes me more spiritually sensitive or maybe I’m always just so hungry, everything just seems louder and clearer (lol, that’s definitely not it 😂😂).

I digress, you might be like me, with new assignments and responsibilities on your shoulder. You might have been wondering how you were going to pull it off without falling flat on your face. Yours may not even be a spiritual assignment per se. It could be a new position at the office or a decision you have to make in your business, I just want to let you know that you have help. The Holy Spirit is in you to help you through it. You are led by the Spirit of God, this is who we are as sons of God. You are a vessel through which God will work, it’s really not about the vessel but about the God.

I also specially connected with Abigail and Priscilla and Rahab and the daughters of Zelophehad. See, I can’t say it all, go and buy the book! (It’s now at a discounted price, so hurry!)



Lol, I questioned some things I thought I knew and I learnt things I didn’t know. This was particularly made easy because every chapter had a location index pointing you to where you will find that character in the bible. This was absolutely brilliant! For example, I actually always thought Priscilla and Aquila were two ladies. Paul always greeted Priscilla and Aquila. Well, before you roll your eyes at me, I still dey learn work abeg. Lol 😂 As you may know, Priscilla and Aquila are actually a couple that were in ministry together. When I saw how long this chapter was, I was like, “what does she want to write about people from ordinary “greet Priscilla and Aquila” or “Priscilla and Aquila expounded the word more to Apollos?”

I went back to my bible and boy, I learnt a lot. If you’re confused at this point then you need to get your copy of the book and read it!

The name Abigail, I was familiar with but many details in her story I was ignorant about. I guess that’s another thing the book did for me, it zoomed in on these characters so much that we could see them bare and totally relate to them.

On criticisms, I did not like the fact that none of my names was on the cover. I was pained! Not Besidone, Ayomiposi or Stephanie. Even Ayo gan wasn’t there. I was pained! I hope it makes it next time incase there’s a reprint or volume 2 sha

It is quite a big book but I really didn’t want it to end. I’d have loved it to be longer. Lol, i guess she was saving the rest for volume 2 😂


To be completely honest, it is an amazing book. If you’ve read it, let me know your thoughts, who were your favourite characters? What lessons did you learn? Be sure to leave a comment below.

If you haven’t read it, you’re sleeping on a bicycle in motion. To wake up, follow Laju Iren on instagram @lajuiren and order your copy. It would be worth every penny!

Also, what books have you been reading. I’m on holiday now and I want to read a few books before I go back to school. What books do you suggest I read? I’m currently reading Redeeming love by Francine Rivers, it came highly recommended but I’ve been on it forever! 😩😩

Blessings and Lessons


Hey, loves!
It has been one heck of a year so far; but it has also been the most amazing year of my life.  I talked about how it started HERE.


Yes, I know, it’s been a long while. The break was intentional but I can’t say the same for the length of the break (lol). I really didn’t intend to be gone for this long. I had a valid reason at first and then I think I just got too comfortable.
I took a break from blogging because I realized that in years past, I had been talking about God more than I had been talking to Him. I knew a lot of “Christianese”, enough make people to say, “oh she’s spiritual” but I had to do some self evaluation.

I was at a hungry stage in my life. I needed to go seeking for myself. I needed to be deliberate about spiritual growth. I needed to be deliberate about my faith. I was given new responsibilities that required this from me. I needed to re-evaluate things for myself. And I believe everyone really needs times like this at some point in their life.

I started to learn so much that I realized that I had a faulty perception of Christianity. I thought that Christianity was about praying regularly , attending church on Sundays, giving generously and having faith in God for favour to ‘blow’ as I tirelessly work to achieve my dreams. I quickly realized that this wasn’t even close to the bible’s definition. Paul explains Christianity in (what has quickly become one of my favourite verses of scripture) 2 Corinthians 5:15, which says, “that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live for themselves but for Christ who died and rose for them“. I’ve been bought with a price, purchased with the precious blood of Jesus. I really do not belong to myself at all. Christianity is not a part of my life, it is my life!

In these times, God taught me the value of the right association. I learned and I’m still learning the value of friendships. People that spur you to growth and people that you also help to grow. I’m grateful to God for kingdom friendships. I’m grateful for and to all of you.



I learned the importance of identity. Who or what you define yourself as plays a major role in your actions and reactions to yourself, others and situations. I am Besidone whom Jesus loves and died for while I was yet a sinner (technically, way before I was even born). He saw me as precious in my dead state and died for me. I’m not defined by my flaws or strengths or what people say about me. Flawed or not, Jesus loves me. I needed to see myself beyond my flaws, whether or not they are physical, beyond how perfectly I look with makeup on, beyond my talents, and way beyond my CGPA or bank account. I needed to see myself beyond all the hype about how awesome I am and all the Woman Crush Wednesdays. It’s nice to be appreciated but I learned that all of that doesn’t define me. These things are transient but Jesus’ love is forever. It’s not always so easy but consistently fixing your eyes on Jesus and his words about you helps. Who do you see yourself as?

Another beautiful and mind blowing lesson so far has been learning that I am the temple of the Holy Ghost. God doesn’t dwell in temples made with human hands. He lives in me! He doesn’t visit me; he has made me his habitation. He has become a permanent resident in my heart. The same spirit that was in Christ when he died and rose is in me and will quicken my mortal body. God now works in me to will and to do of his good pleasure. I walk with precision. Signs and wonders follow me. Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me. Jesus is glorified and the Holy Spirit is in me!


I’ve learned to see God as Abba. This may seem like an insignificant lesson but I’ve come to understand that all the many names of God in the Old Testament can be summarized as one word – Father. I who was once in the kingdom of darkness has now been adopted into the kingdom of his dear son, Jesus. I’ve not been given the Spirit of bondage again to fear but I’ve been given the Spirit of sonship whereby I cry, Abba, Father. There’s a confidence this gives me.

There have been times this year when things didn’t exactly go the way I expected or wanted but Christ is teaching me that He is my joy. My joy and happiness is not defined by the flexible, dynamic nature of things or people around me but by an unchanging God who has undying love for me. Glory to God!


I thank God Almighty for this privilege to know him and I do not take it for granted. I’m more deliberate about spiritual growth and I’m committed to helping others know him like I do.

I’m grateful to and for my pastor and spiritual father, Pastor Emmanuel Iren who has continued with me for my progress and joy in the faith.

I’m also grateful for my TRF fam, you guys are amazing and I love you all. Thank you for helping me grow and helping me to commit to the growth of others.

And to everyone who reached out concerning the blog. Thank you for your support. I’m back guys. I missed you and I’m ready to serve you as unto God! You guys are amazing and make it all worth it with your amazing feedbacks.

I want to encourage you, yes you reading this. You’ve been thinking about taking God seriously. He already takes you seriously and is just waiting to come to Him. He loves you as you are. He is in the business of changing lives, He changed mine and wants to be close enough to you to change yours. Come home today!

Don’t know how? Send me a direct message on the gram. IG:@besidoneee. I’ll be more than willing to help you. I love you. Jesus loves you.

P.S. I joined the natural hair gang sometime this year as well. What do you guys think?

How has your growth journey been so far? What challenges have you faced? What lessons have you learnt? Be sure to leave me a comment below!
Salt and Light,

A Love Letter to the Loved!


You are loved!

Jesus loves you!

For God SO loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.

This is the most cliche or overused yet most profound thing I’ve heard in my life.

That God the creator of the world and the one who created you and me long before our forefathers were conceived came to earth in a human form because that was the only way a sinless person could become sinful ( by being fleshy). The mere coming of God to earth I like to believe, was degrading enough. I mean an earthly king who walks on the street without his security and all the regalia is abominable not to mention of the King of kings. Right from his birth, his life was endangered, the devil through Herod tried to make attempts on his life to prevent him from going through with the sacrifice. He was persecuted and crucified. His blood was shed for you. If this was the end then He might have just been another martyr for the Gospel but on the 3rd day, Baba rose again. Hallelujah!

Picture source: @_ramon_22 on instagram

In His death, we also died to the power of sin and destruction and In his resurrection, we are made alive to a new life in Christ.

You see, prior to the arrival of Jesus and after the fall of man, God gave Moses the law knowing fully well that by our own efforts we couldn’t be saved. The law was given to show how imperfect man is by himself. Then Christ came, and when he died he took away all your sins. The implication of him dying is you don’t have to die again (not physically but eternal death). You are saved when you believe. All you have to do is believe that he died for you and because he died, you are saved from the shackles of sin and death and you have come into Jesus who is life himself and because of this you have eternal life!


Regardless of your flaws and your imperfections, Jesus does love you! I mean for the sins your fathers committed, your sins and for those of your descendants, he died once and for all. While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Long before we were formed, He came to pay the price in full and for all. Doesn’t this excite you?

Salvation is a gift, you don’t need to do anything to get it. I mean if you worked for something, you deserve a reward right? But you do nothing for a gift. Salvation is a gift lest any man should boast.

All that is required of you is to believe in the sacrifice.

Good works are good, commendable even but good works cannot save a soul. Only Jesus can.

“You may go to church
Seven days a week
You may give half your salary to the poor and the needy
You may barely tell a lie
But you would surely die if you’re not born again.”

This is why Jesus came. His ambition is that all men be saved. He’s waiting for you. Please don’t keep him waiting for too long. Ignore that voice that tells you that you’re too bad or too extreme for God to love you because that is a pitiful lie. He loves you and is waiting for you. Respond in thanksgiving, joy and excitement to this good news.

Know this, you can never hear this enough. There is legit joy in my heart everytime I hear this message. This is the basis of our faith as Christians. Tell somebody about Jesus today. Be a light in this dark world. This is why you were made.

Birthday in a bit!

By the way guys, tomorrow is my birthday. I’m excited about that really. I doubt I’m going to actually celebrate it but I’m excited all the same. I’m working on the obligatory birthday post. Stay woke! And in case you need my bank details, add me on snapchat (@besidoneee) 😂.

I hope this blessed you. Please share. Contribute to the spread of the gospel today. 😊😊

Jesus loves you!
From BASE with love.

A love letter to the struggling believer.


Hey loves,

Have you ever been in a position where you really needed to pray and then just as you open your mouth, like a mighty rushing wind, you are reminded of every bad, dirty, disgusting, nasty, in short, sinful thing you have done and then you shut up. This used to be me.

I recently realised (maybe not so recently) that this was a bloody lie from hell. The devil steady reminded me of my sins and guilty, unworthy me would shut up instead of actually talking to the person that could take all the guilt away.

I would tell myself that I was going to start living a holy life and then I would be more confident to pray.

LOL, such ignorance!

The truth is if I really could help myself, I wouldn’t need to come to Jesus. I mean if I could be holy by myself, what did I need Him for? If I could save myself, what would be the point of a saviour?

A simple biblical and somewhat biological truth changed my life. Visualise this: every human being is made up of the spirit, the soul which is the mind and then the body. Your spirit is the real you, your mind is the seat of your thoughts, your will and your conscience while your body is merely a container for your spirit. The spirit and the body are linked by the mind. Your body is physical and reacts to the situation of the world. However, whatever spirit controls your mind controls your body. When you’re saved, your spirit is saved. God is spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Old things have indeed passed away and your spirit has become like Christ ( 2 Corinthians 5:17). After this, the renewal, the repentance, the change you want to see is of the mind. What you should seek to do as a Christian instead of trying to force a bodily change, is to have turn around in your mind (2 Corinthians 10:5). Daily renew your mind with the word of God and your present state in Christ. Your physical transformation would be spurred by a renewal of your mind (Romans 12:2).

God’s word gives light!

How do I do this?

The bible is God’s mind about you. Read about the regenerated man. Read about your salvation from the word of God. Fill yourself with all God has said about you because that is who you are. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Remind yourself that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus ( 2 Corinthians 5:21). There is therefore now no condemnation for you because you’re in Christ Jesus because the law of the Spirit in Christ Jesus who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:1). You are saved by Grace, justified by faith, if it were by your works, then grace would no longer be a gift (Ephesians 2:8). For you have been reconciled back to God and you sins are no longer imputed against you (2 Corinthians 5:19). In Christ, you have redemption and through his blood, you have forgiveness (Ephesians 1:7)!! There’s so much more to discover!! You’ll find that your physical state which is your body would start to align with your spiritual state which is God’s spirit in you because it has been linked through the renewal of your mind.

He loves me regardless!

This little truth changed it all for me. I had been struggling with holiness and righteousness and I constantly doubted my salvation but once I discovered this, I’ve been set free from sin. It is tough to overcome sin when all you focus on is your sin. Focus on Jesus and his word and what he thinks of you and little by little, your physical body would align with your spirit man!

I can always approach God because I am his righteousness in Christ Jesus. I am righteouss. My standing in Christ is not based on me but on Jesus’ work on the cross. This doesn’t mean that I don’t have a part to play but when I took away all the pressure from myself, I found that it was easier to even live that holy life. It’s easier now that I understand that God’s love is amazing and does not depend on anything I do or don’t do. This gives me so much joy. Hallelujah!

Nothing but joy 😊😊

By the way, happy new month guys! Welcome to the best month in the year 😂😂 My birthday is on the 24th of this month! I’m a little excited about that. I will be receiving gifts in cash and kind, cash mostly 😆😆 Follow me on snapchat for my bank details : @besidoneee 😂😂

All through the month of February, I will be posting love letters. Sending out the love of Christ in this season of love.

I hope this blessed you.

Feel free to leave me a comment or share this post with friends! If you have questions that you want to ask privately, you can send me an email at

Jesus loves you!
From BASE with Love!!!!


Off to a great start!

I’ve always detested mediocrity. I’ve always believed there was more to my life than graduating with excellent grades, makeup and bank alert on fleek, a blooming career, having a good family. I mean don’t get me wrong, these things are good, great even but I’ve always just felt like I was created for more. In July 2015, I woke up uncomfortable with the picture of life I had painted. I decided to pen down my thoughts and I came up with this:

Let’s flashback, shall we?

“Some time ago, a friend asked me to sign her #dodge shirt. I was supposed to write something I wanted to dodge and for some reason the only thing that came to my mind was #DodgeMediocrity and so I wrote that. I didn’t think about what I wrote since that day up until the moment of writing this.

Mediocrity is a canker-worm eating deep into our society especially amongst the youths. “Standing out”, “being extraordinary”, “taking risks”, “dreaming big”, “possibility” are not common terms we use in the this generation rather we use terms like “fitting in”, “going with the flow”, “being realistic” e.t.c. I cannot count how many times I have heard people say or even said so myself “I want to be normal”, “I need to fit in”, “let me just go with the flow”, “let us be realistic”, “it is impossible” it has become so bad that people who are doing extraordinary things are not celebrated or recognized rather mediocrity is being praised.

Well, I’m rising up now, I’m uncomfortable with the idea of living a mediocre life, I wasn’t born mediocre, I will not achieve mediocrity, I cannot just exist, there’s so much I can do. I desire to be exceptional and extraordinary. I want to live a life that would make my soul dance within my body. I want people to hear my name all around the world for my extraordinary feats. I was born to achieve greatness and lead a life of purpose and fulfillment.

I remember not so long ago, all I wanted from life was to just go to school, get good grades, get a good job, get married to a good man and have good kids, die and go to heaven. Woww, sounds depressing to me. Thank God I’ve figured there’s more to life. Don’t get me wrong, it is good to go to school, get married, have kids but if that’s all you would achieve, then I’m sorry for you.

I didn’t come to earth to live an average life, I have no scintilla of doubt about that. Besidone Eyesan is going to become a household name very soon. A life without high aim is a pointless life. If your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough.

How do I plan on achieving this? Well, I know a guy, a very influential guy, and because he strengthens me, I can do all things. Each time he said “my grace is all you need, my power works best in weakness” and like Paul I’m extremely glad to boast of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”


My perspective has shifted a bit since then. Only recently have I discovered how to really dodge mediocrity. To be mediocre means to be undistinguished or of ordinary quality. Charles Swindoll said, the greatest waste of natural resources is the number of people who never reach their full potential. Your life is mediocre when you’re living below your full potential. Life really can’t be about making money, having a good family and career, having influence and then just dying. These things are fickle.

There has to be more to this! There is more to this!

Your full potential would be the purpose for which you were made. If I bought a Porsche panamera today and instead of driving at the speed for which it was made, I drove constantly at Lagos go slow speed, that car is being used quite alright, some might even still admire it but it is not living up to its full potential.

Likewise, if I achieved everything in this life without fulfilling the purpose for which I was made, I may still be admired and praised by people but I would’ve successfully lived a mediocre life.

Why then was I made?

the big question

I always thought that purpose was unique to everyone and there was a special thing each one of us was made to do. Again, I recently discovered that this is not true, what is unique to everyone is the medium through which you achieve your purpose but that thing called purpose, why I was made and why you were made are the same.

To know Jesus (be saved and grow in my knowledge of Christ) and to make him known to the world (be an ambassador and a witness for Christ on earth). This is why we were all created. We are supposed to shine in this dark world and be pointers to Jesus. I used to be concerned about making my own name known but really Jesus is the name that must be known. Whether you decide to be a doctor or an entrepreneur, a singer or a dancer, your aim at whatever it is you do, is to know God and to make Him known in your sphere of influence and beyond.

Redefined life goals!

This I only recently just discovered and it has changed my perspective on so many things in life. This is now my life’s ambition. I may not be certain of what exactly I want to do in future ( I may be a little too old to be saying this) but I’m certain of this, whatever it is, it is going to be my vehicle for carrying out this purpose for which I was called. I’m not even waiting for the future, souls are being lost everyday. As my brother would say, there’s really no time to check time. This life is really just a preparation for the next. You’re living a life of purpose in this world when your eyes are off this world.

there’s joy in knowing the truth

I’ll end with lyrics of this song I’ve been jamming all week

Just to know you And to make you known
We lift your name on high
Shine like the sun, make darkness run and hide
We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives
It’s time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive

Joy unspeakable
Faith unsinkable
Love unstoppable
Anything is possible!!!!!!!!!

It’s a song by casting crowns called thrive.

P.S I hope a happy New year is not out of order. I know I know it’s already the 28th and I was all so concerned about dodging mediocrity in 2017 that God decided to show me exactly how. We really can’t keep our light under bushels any longer. In Christ, you’re unstoppable!! Happy New year!!

This has actually been a summary of my January, how has 2017 been so far? What have you been up to? What lessons have you learned?

Feel free to leave your comments below!

Happy New Year people!

Day 366 of 366

Bye 2016!

It’s less than 10 hours before 2017 swings in and I’m on my bed trying to evaluate the year 2016 which is common practice for me. I’m not particularly big on the idea of New Year resolutions and all the “New Year, New me” banter cos I don’t think you need a new year to make changes in your life. You can make resolutions any day and everyday if you’re serious about changing something in your life, you don’t need it to be a new year for that. However, I like to take time to evaluate or sort of take stock of the year. How far I’ve come, lessons learned, my high moments, my not so high moments and re- strategize for the New Year. You know what they say, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Little wonder Confucius said, “Study the past if you would define the future.”


Words fail me in trying to define what 2016 was like. I think every year for me is always better than the last because if not for anything, I grow. Adventures, challenges and experiences always push me to grow. One of the greatest lessons I learned in 2016 is to be genuinely happy for other people’s success. Sometimes I forget that life is not a competition. We really aren’t running the same race. The only person I have to be better than is the person I was yesterday. Personal growth is the major key. As long as you’re growing, you’re good. Life is easier when you realize this.


This year, I had really high points and some very low points but it all worked and it all is still working together for my good. It’s not over until it’s good you know?

I didn’t have the easiest school year this year (is it ever easy?).

THEM: Study law, you like arguing, you talk too much, you read a lot, you would make a good lawyer.

ME: laughs hysterically.

I quickly discovered that How to get away with murder and Suits are lies. Nope, this is not some glamorous Olivia Pope, Annalese type of thing. Far from it even. At many points during the school year, I wanted to give up, I was frustrated but the Holy Spirit was always there for me, keeping me in check and helping and last last I won the battle. I could never lose, what you thought? I’m grateful to God cos really I don’t deserve anything I get but his mercies and favor keeps speaking for me.

In hind sight, 2016 was a great year for me spiritually. I say great because the end justifies the means. At some points during the course of the year I struggled spiritually. I was hot today and cold tomorrow and this wasn’t what I wanted for myself. In 2016 I learned some basic life changing spiritual truths, I learned the relationship between the spirit, soul and body. I learned the power of praise and the commandment to rejoice. The reality of the amazingness of God’s love hit me this year. Sometimes I don’t think I’ve fully grasped it yet but what I know already has me overwhelmed. God really loves me. I’m extremely undeserving of His love but He loves me regardless. It’s heartwarming really. The Almighty God cares for me and loves me and is in me, please what abi who wants to stand against me? The man in Christ is a man of changed desires. This year, I saw my desires shift focus. They are more heaven focused. I feel like I know what really matters. Good grades, money, an amazing career, a good home are all good but my relationship with Christ and the spread of the Gospel are far more important to me these days. I’ve found out that when you really seek first the kingdom of God and righteousness, ALL not some or most, ALL other things will be added unto you. I’m definitely not where I want to be but I’m grateful that I’m not where I started.


This year I learned more about myself. I learned that by myself I really am not as strong as I’ve always thought and I’m fine with that. Like Paul I boast in my weaknesses so that the power of Christ can work through me.

I learned to be grateful for the little things. There are certain things we are so used to that we don’t see God in them. Things like sleeping and waking up, going out and getting back home safe, relief from a headache and so on. Sometimes we feel like we are entitled to these things. This year I heard of people who died doing the same things I do almost every day. On a road I’ve passed almost every day for the last ten tears, some people were killed in accidents, others kidnapped. I’m in good health. I may have had malaria once or twice but it didn’t take my life. I slept sometimes two times a day and every time I slept I woke up. Not everyone has this rare privilege. It is not cos I’m faithful or because I pray and fast, it is God’s favor and His mercies. I’m not going to take God’s mercies for granted. He is not keeping me alive because he likes my face (even if I’m sure he does), I have a purpose to fulfil on this earth. As much as it is good to have a long life, it is important to make your years count. Methuselah lived for over 900 years and Jesus lived on earth (I say on earth because he is still alive in heaven, can I get a witness?) for 33 years. Your life is about impact and not length!

I also learned to be more sensitive to situations and people around me. There’s more than meets the eye most times. Some people are walking problems, others are ticking time bombs waiting to explode. People require patience. This has been tough because sometimes you can get so pissed you just want to scream but then you never really know a person until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. That’s how it is said right?

Meet the Eyesans!

I learned even more this year the value of family. Every joy shared increases the love and every crisis faced makes the bond stronger. When you go through storms as a family, you all come out stronger. 2016 taught us a great deal but we’re over-comers. I’m grateful to God for my family. They made the journey easier and less cumbersome. The best support system a girl could have tbh.

best guys!

I also learned the importance of friendships in 2016. I cannot start to quantify how many amazing people I had with me this year. I’m grateful for the people that were lessons and those that were blessings (on a lowks, if you were a lesson to me, that’s still a blessing). I’m glad and grateful for all of you that support my bloom. Silver and gold I have not (not yet) but when I do, you know I gat you guys. To my amazing squaaaaaaa, I’m immensely grateful to God for how far we’ve all come, it has been beautiful watching you all bloom before my very eyes. Thanks babes for an amazing 2016, 2017 watch out for these guys, they’re coming! Special shout out to Debry, thank you babe! You have an amazing soul, thanks for being my number 1 fan and a proud supporter of me and my brand. Thank you for your understanding and listening to all my fake deep 2am banter. I’m grateful to and for you. Tom Tom, distance really has nothing on us. Thanks for always checking up on me and encouraging me. Thanks for being a shoulder I can always lean on. I love you babe. Bolu, thank you! To the future bae, we didn’t meet this year, it’s all good, I wasn’t ready anyways. Definitely praying for you. Just keep growing wherever you are, okay?


I really don’t think this space is enough for everything 2016 taught me, I appreciate learning and unlearning. What did 2016 teach you? What and who are you grateful for?
Be sure to leave your comments below. I really would love to hear your thoughts.
Lots of love!
Happy New Year in advance!
Keep blooming!

Stepping into 2017 like

Sorry this is coming late but the winner of the giveaway from my last post is Congrats girl. DM me on instagram so we can figure delivery logistics.

Finding my voice, the journey so far.


One year ago on this day, I conquered that thing they call fear and started this blog. Like I mentioned in my first post HERE, I held back for many reasons. For those who don’t know, I’m actually a very shy person, a little bit socially awkward even, I easily play the background even when I have a lot to say. I had to find a way of passing my message across and a place where I can shine cos you know amo shine when amo shine.

I also started this blog to share the light of the gospel of Jesus and my spiritual victories in my walk with Jesus as well as a platform to display my creative side. Hence, after much talk and planning, on this day last year, I published my first post. The feedback and support I got was amazing, really. It made me feel like I didn’t make a mistake starting this blog and it cleared all doubts that no one was interested in what I had to say and no one was going to read my blog.


The journey so far has been awesome. Full of ups and downs but awesome still.

Blogging has taught me so much. It has in some way improved my writing skills and I’m able to coordinate my thoughts and express them better. Funnily enough, blogging has helped me find my voice and these days I’m not afraid to speak when I have something to say because I’m more confident that I will always have an audience. I don’t doubt that anymore. I’m also not one that likes making new friends but blogging has helped me put myself out there. These days many of the conversations I have, usually start with I read your blog; it kind of breaks the ice. Putting yourself out there for a rather lowkey person like me has been somewhat interesting.


Some of my best moments have to be the comments, the support, its overwhelming and humbling. On the not so great days, some of the comments I got on the blog kept me going. To have people you don’t know feel blessed from a post you wrote and tell you is one of the most amazing feelings in the world. And having those people you don’t really know walk up to you to tell you that they have read your blog and they really like what you’re doing. I’m immensely grateful to God that in my own little way I have been able to touch lives.

I want to also appreciate my friends. These guys have been super supportive, helping me take pictures, helping me edit posts and just generally encouraging me. They are a rare breed tbh. People you can always count on. Special shout out to the best editor in the world, my friend and recent blogger, Debry, you can read her blog HERE.  I’m also grateful for family, most times my dad is the first to read my blog. He’ll call me to make jest or advise me about things I have written or complain that there’s no new post. My mom too is very supportive. Sometimes before I conclude a statement at home, my brother will interrupt me by saying, I know I read it on your blog. I read your blog you know. This annoys me a great deal but it is also a good feeling to know that he reads my blog.

It has also been quite challenging for me. I had challenges with balancing school and blogging. Law is not an easy course to study and I have a lot of activities I do alongside. Im learning French, I started sewing and I’m a part of various organizations in my school. It really hasn’t been easy finding that balance and so things haven’t really been consistent around here. For the next year I’ve decide to invest in a blog planner as I have seen really good reviews about them and heard they help you plan better. Hopefully I too find them helpful. I don’t mind being gifted one too, you know in the spirit of Christmas.

I also plan on investing into the blog by buying a domain name. I think it is finally time for me to get serious and take that step really. Blooming base is here for the long haul!!!

My blog is my voice. Everyone has a voice you know, you just have to find yours. This is my zone, where I share my thoughts and beliefs. It’s a lot of fun!

Blogging has taught me a lot in the past year, I’m grateful to God, my support system and all of you for embarking on this journey with me. For believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. I’m grateful for positive feedback, negative too.

Thank you guys for always coming around. Really, there’s no blooming base without you. Thank you for one year and cheers to many more.

To everyone who has thought about starting a blog, or just started a blog or even doing that thing you’ve thought about for the longest time, I say, “Screw it, just do it! You’ll never fly if you don’t jump!”


Giveaway time!!!!

If you’re consistent on here or you follow me on Instagram, it won’t be news to you that I started sewing. You can see a couple of items I have made HERE. So this green lace cami top was handmade by yours truly. Yes, you read that correctly. Handmade from scratch. So recently, my portable sewing machine developed a fault and I’m yet to get the regular machine. It was frustrating cos I really just wanted to sew. One day, I decided not to let my spoilt machine hold me back. I grabbed this fabric from my stash and voila, this baby girl was born. It really isn’t perfect but I think it came out alright. I m a bit sentimental about giving it away but here goes nothing. Okay so to win this top. Follow this five simple steps

1 subscribe to this blog

2 follow me on Instagram and/or twitter

3 leave a comment here on why you want to win this top

4 tag 5 people in the comment section of my giveaway post on Instagram.

This offer ends after 72 hours. Good luck guys!

P.S this top was only worn for this shoot.

30 days a super hero

Talo (dab) ire Oluwa?

Hey people!
Happy new month!!! It’s the last month of 2016. I’m so grateful to God for life and good health and all his blessings in the past 11 months.God is great!!!

So last month like I mentioned in my last post HERE, I interned at the Ministry of Justice, Office of the Public Defender (OPD). My sister thinks it sounds like a super hero office hence I like to call it Justice League HQ (lol). Looking at their purview, it is indeed a super hero office. Its primary function is to provide free legal services to the indigent and oppressed in Lagos State. Indigents are people who cannot afford the services of a lawyer and the oppressed in this sense are those considered to be vulnerable such as aged people, women and children.

Yesterday was my last day there so I spent exactly 30 days. One thing I really liked was that every day was different. My general job description was to listen to complaints and file petitions. Listening to complaints can be interesting on some days. On other days, it can be a bore when people go on and on with their life stories.

Working in the Office of the Public Defender, I realized that many of the concepts that we might think are so foreign like child support, child custody and maintenance are actually very much catered for by the Nigerian law. Fathers actually come to pay their child maintenance fees and the mothers come to pick it up.

Another thing I quickly realized was that despite the changing times, some men still have the audacity to beat their wives. Factors such as level of education, financial status and exposure are inconsequential in gauging a man that can hit his wife. This phenomenon cuts across all classes of people. I think for every day I worked in OPD, there were at least 3 domestic violence against women cases.I was reminded that women could also be capable of domestic violence against their husbands. However, this is rare as in my 30 days at OPD, only about 2 cases were reported. I wonder why.

On some days, the cases we received brought to my remembrance the scripture that says that the heart of man is desperately wicked. How can a grown ass man sexually abuse a 2 year old girl please? Or a grandfather rape his 9 year old granddaughter? Mothers that try to protect family members who abuse their daughters, guardians who basically turn themselves into colonial slave masters over their maids and think that they can do whatever they want with somebody else’s 9 months. It’s extremely disheartening!

feeling like a super hero

I also went on a rescue mission with the social workers in the office. Rescue missions are most times carried out with the aid of the police to make arrests or invite people who have been reported for terrible and heinous crimes especially those against children. Rescue missions always make you feel like a legitimate super hero or a detective because you’re actually causing immediate change for the petitioner.

I was also privileged to accompany the Chief Judge to the Badagry Prison where she exercised her statutory right to decongest prisons. She released 11 inmates who were still awaiting trial for minor offenses.

I went on several awareness campaigns because a lot of people really don’t know about the Office of the Public Defender and what they do and are basically just suffering in silence. I went to secondary schools and hospitals to create awareness against child abuse and domestic violence as well as the general jurisdictions of the office.

I observed mediation sessions between employees and employers, husbands and wives. I like the fact that the Office of the Public Defender explores mediation and if it doesn’t work out, by law, it can then proceed to court.

I went to court a few times. Court room sessions can be interesting especially during trials but as far as I’m concerned, it is mostly boring. Motion hearings are the worst. Nigerian court rooms are absolutely different from what we see on suits and how to get away with murder. When and if I decide to practice, I really don’t want anything that would involve litigation. I guess my dad can kiss the SAN dreams he has for me good bye. I’m sorry Dad, but I kent.

Working there made me thankful for my family. We don’t have it all great but we really don’t have it as bad as some. It’s not like we pray more than most or we really deserve any of what we get but I thank God for his divine mercies. A lot of people are walking problems, we therefore need to be more considerate while interacting with people we come across daily because we really don’t know what they are going through. As the Yorubas will say “ko n se oju lasan” (there’s more than meets the eye).

Finally, I discovered that a 9-5 or 8-5 life is not for me, kole werk, I just kent. I feel like I get why most people are always so cranky and angry driving back from work in Lagos traffic, it is pretty much transferred aggression. I’m never getting a 9-5 in future. Guys, if I forget please remind me 😂😂

Aside from the counsels, the social workers and the other staff at OPD, I worked with 5 other interns. I like to say that I had the best internship squad tbh! We spent most of our free time cracking jokes, getting to know one another and making funny videos on snapchat (you really should follow me on snapchat tbh: @besidoneee) I appreciate these guys, they made the days that seemed unbearable easier to bear. They lightened the workload and were the perfect going home company. I’m going to really miss them even if I’ll still see most of them in school, I’m pretty sure it’ll never be the same.

thank you for having me

I’m immensely grateful for the opportunity I had to work at OPD. The experience was awesome and life changing.

P.S as a retiring super hero without a super hero name, I think its only fair that I get a super hero name, I really can’t think of anything, can you guys help?

My holidays have officially started! I’m just going to eat, sleep, sew, watch movies and read books.

What were you guys up to in November and what will you be doing in the December? Feel free to leave your comments below?



Heyy guys!
*dusts cobwebs on this page* *cleans accumulated dust*

I know it is getting pretty normal for apologies to flow on here but I’m really not irresponsible.

First of, I had a bad phone, then I started exams and now my network is super frustrating. I’m definitely going to get another sim card as soon as I can.  I’m beginning to sound like a broken record with these excuses and you know what they about excuses, “they are the tools of the incompetent, monuments of nothing, those who use them are unwise and rarely succeed. ” and we don’t want that now. Do we?

The session is finally over and I’ve gotten a new phone so why don’t we go back to where we left off which right now is like a major throw back but oh well. If you follow me on instagram which you should be doing, it would be old news to you that I started sewing. I interned at a fashion house called Ann Cranberry Atelier for a month during my last holiday. Well, the idea of being able to bring my illustrations to life has always been a push for me. I know it’s easier to illustrate and get people to sew for you but if I’m going to be a designer, I want to be able to practice my craft by myself. I also learnt a lot about the business of fashion. I really wished I could intern for longer but that thing, school, it came back. It was an amazing time for me and how quickly I learnt was also a major plus for me. I learnt that with passion and hard work, you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Here are a couple of things I made:

I know what you’re thinking, do you make to sell? Can you make for me? I’m actually working on starting a clothing line. When I do, I’m pretty sure you’ll be the first to hear about it. For now, I’m trying to brush up my craft by sewing for myself and the close knit supporters club. Don’t feel sad, the clothing line would be official in no time and you can get your beautiful bespoke and ready to wear outfits. All I need you to do is anticipate and spread the word. A new wave is coming, brace yourselves people!

This holiday, I’m not be interning at a fashion house sadly but I’m interning at the Office of the Public Defender. I sort of want to know what it’s like and see if it ignites some sort of passion in me. I also hope to figure out soon enough what area of law I would love to focus on. Can’t wait to tell you guys all about it.

Let me know what you think guys, be sure to leave a comment below.

P.S I really did miss you guys